Many of our insurance adjuster in the Orlando, Brevard county and Atlanta area, contact us because their clients have water leaks, slow or clogged drains, even low water pressure. The issue with blocked pipes and water leaks is that they can be difficult to pinpoint exactly where they are located.

The Leak Doctor provides video inspections to inspect the inside of the pipes, taking the guess work out of the problem. You will be able to see the exact cause and location of the drain or sewer symptom, which will save you time, money and streamline maintenance.

Often times it is visual, with a clogged or slow drain from debris, tree root intrusions, rusted, cracked pipes, or grease build-up.

Non visual symptoms may include a foul odor. Sewer odors are caused by cracked and broken pipes, bad water seals, leaking pipe joints and water blocked in a drain, all of which allows sewer gas to escape from the pipes into your home or business. The air conditioning system often times will pick up the smell and filter it through the building, making it more difficult to pinpoint.

Cost Effective Solution

The Leak Doctor specializes in video drain inspections. Our experienced technicians use state of the art equipment to view the internal infrastructure of your pipes to accurately locate and diagnose the problem. Knowing the location and nature of the situation can save you thousands of dollars in necessary repairs.

The Leak Doctor offers advanced technology, including frequency sensitive computers, specialized listening equipment, ground probes and other state-of-the-art electronic devices to find water leaks. We have cost-effective ways to find the source of your leak and quickly fix it.

Take the guess work out of your sewer or drain problem by contacting the Leak Doctor today!