The Leak Doctor works with insurance companies to provide accurate and fast water leak detection. We accurately find the source of your clients water leak and provide the insurance adjuster with a cause and origin report.

ThinkstockPhotos-462377725There are several types water leaks that can occur in a home or business. Many of which do not have many visible signs, such as a slab or sub-surface leak, leaks behind walls, under flooring, behind appliances, under the ground, and out in the yard.

The Leak Doctor takes the guess work out of finding the source of the water leak. That means we are not cutting unnecessary holes in walls, tearing up floors, or digging up the ground. Saving time and repairs!

Today’s technological advancements have brought significant changes to the leak detection industry. The Leak Doctor specializes in state of the art leak detection equipment and video drain inspections. Our experienced technicians use specialized thermography and Ultrasound to accurately locate and diagnose the problem with minimal disruption to the property. Knowing the location and nature of the situation can save you thousands of dollars in necessary repairs.

Choosing the right company is also important, the Leak Doctor is committed to providing hands on service for every aspect of your leak problems. We explain our process to you every step of the way and offer cost-effective, real-time solutions to your leak problems.

The Leak Doctor strives for quality performance with electronically generated reports, clearly written with all the details, available within 24 hours. Photographs taken before and after for documentation and communication with the adjuster while on the job site about the findings.

The Leak Doctor is proud to offer the least destructive solutions for all types of water leaks. This means saving Insurance Companies and Adjusters tons of money in repair costs!

Contact the Leak Doctor today and start saving!