Plumbing and water leaks from pipes can end up costing a homeowner a significant amount of money if not detected and repaired in a timely manner. Studies show every year the typical home can waste 20,000 gallons of water in just a year. Unfortunately, most of these leaks are not visible, and can cause a more damage than you may think. This is when you need the assistance of a professional water leak detection service, the Leak Doctor.

1Just imagine a tiny hole the size of a pinhead in a water pipe slowly dripping and dripping into the walls, soaking into the insulation, walls, ceilings, and floors, creating the perfect breeding ground for mildew and mold. The longer it goes undetected the more of a problem it becomes!

Molds naturally exist in nature; they can pose a very serious health risk to people when they are present in great quantities, which in the Florida and Georgia summer mold can grow fairly quickly. Toxic mold produces mycotoxins, with prolonged exposure to this type of fungus may lead to neurological problems.

Undetected water leaks can easily get out of control and cause extensive damage and headaches. “Water is one of the most destructive things to a house,” says David Tamny, president of the American Society of Home Inspectors. “It can account for so many things going wrong in a structure.”

Thanks to today’s technology, leaks can be detected anywhere. Professional leak detectors can locate leaks under concrete slabs, under the bathtub and outside under the big oak tree, with minimum disruption and without ripping anything up.

The Leak Doctor works closely with insurance companies and adjusters. Whether it’s a cracked foundation, a leak behind a wall, in the hot or cold supply lines, irrigation lines or structural damage from a water leak, we will find the problem and ensure it is properly fixed. Our reports are electronically created and available online within 24 hours or same day as the service call. These reports will assist you in determining how much damage has been done from a water leak or broken pipe and help develop accurate cost estimates.

The Leak Doctor is dedicated to saving the insurance company and customer money with the latest technology and equipment to quickly locate any water leak and avoid unnecessary property damage.

Contact the Leak Doctor for more information