Water leaks plague Orlando and Atlanta residential homes. According to the Chief Financial Officer Jeff Atwater, insurance claims involving non-weather related water loss is on the rise. With the right tools to locate the source of a water leak is vital, it can save money, more reliable, efficient and faster.

ThinkstockPhotos-462377725The Leak Doctor has worked with insurance companies in the Orlando and Atlanta areas for decades, detecting the most difficult water leaks under concrete slab foundations, under the ground, behind walls, and anywhere else imaginable.

We understand the insurance industry, our professional technicians inspect the property, detect any water leaks, and itemize the repairs, all in a timely manner.

Today’s technology allows an experienced leak technician to locate the leak in a nondestructive manner, saving hundreds of dollars in exploratory repairs alone.

The state of the art electronic equipment is capable of quickly and unobtrusively finding the smallest pinhole leak, before it erodes the soil under a home, which can lead to compromising the foundation, sagging roof, misaligned doors and a flood of other problems. If your client has a water leak the last thing you want is costly digging and guesswork repair

Thermography can identify tiny temperature differences that can lead us to leaks.

Ultrasound can “listen” at frequencies beyond the human range of hearing. To our instruments, even the tiniest leak makes a traceable noise.

Endoscopic Video allows you to see inside your plumbing system to detect unexplained blockages, which may be the result of foreign objects, broken or collapsed pipes or tree roots. We can pinpoint these blockages from the surface to prevent unnecessary damage to your home.

There are many factors that need to be taken into account to determine if the repair of a water leak and assess the damages from the water are covered under an insurance policy.

Contact the Leak Doctor for more information or to make an appointment.