Properly investigating a water or plumbing leak takes an experienced technician and updated equipment. Minimally invasive technology drastically reduces the restoration cost. Worn out pipes can cause extensive damages without the home or business owner ever realizing. Repairing and replacing older pipes are considered a part of routine maintenance. Other water leaks can occur suddenly, improper third party maintenance or defective pipes. It is also important for the property owner to keep all records and receipts of all plumbing maintenance done.

1Fresh water leakage is usually an intrusion from a water supply line. Though there aren’t any bacteria in the water, it can still cause damage to drywall, cabinets, and flooring, as well as impose a health threat. According to FEMA, “Mold growths, or colonies, can start to grow on a damp surface within 24 to 48 hours. They reproduce by spores – tiny, lightweight “seeds”- that travel through the air. Molds digest organic material, eventually destroying the material they grow on, and then spread to destroy adjacent organic material.”

Drains can back up for several reasons, root intrusion, grease, and broken pipes. This is known as black water, it can impose a serious health hazard because it contains bacteria. Materials that come into contact with this water will need to be properly cleaned or even disposed of.

If you are an insurance professional and have clients with water leak or plumbing system claims, contact the professionals at the Leak Doctor. We service the Orlando, Brevard, and Atlanta areas, for an appointment.

By using advanced thermal imaging equipment and other electronic equipment we can help zero in on the source of the water intrusion, even if its three floors away from the water stain.

Since 1993 we have established a gold standard in leak detection and water management for insurance companies and adjusters. The Leak Doctor’s skilled technicians can identify the source of a leak before water damage cost you extensive loss of time, property and money.