If you’re in the insurance industry, you understand the quicker a water leak is detected and repaired, the less damage occurs. Bacteria can grow in just a few short hours after the leaks begin.

Water and plumbing leaks can happen for a number a reasons. Normal wear and tear, corrosion, gradual deterioration, usually developing slowly.

Many home and business owners just assume the repair of a water leak and damages are covered under their insurance policy, but this may not be the case. There are many issues that come into play. For instance, how long has it been leaking? What is the extent of the damages? Was it due to faulty construction? Corroding pipes? Natural causes? These leaks can occur at any time and remain unnoticed for years as your water consumption slowly increases along with the monthly water bill.

The first step is to accurately locate the leak and determine the cause of origin.  The old school ‘digging and drilling’ are messy, time-consuming and expensive.

The Leak Doctor offers the latest technology to detect water leaks. Our highly trained and certified technicians will begin by assessing the situation by walking through the property. Using state of the art, non-invasive equipment to determine the source of the leak and where the moisture has traveled and properly document the process.

Thermography applies radiated energy to detect water leaks. A high-tech color thermal imaging camera can identify the smallest temperature differences. The Leak Doctor technicians understand how to handle the camera and the proper angles to take the pictures. Once the pictures are taken they professionally analyzed for the location of the leak.

Leak detection, plumbing service and water mitigation are very important issues for insurance companies and adjusters. These types of services can quickly become expensive, from finding the sources of the leak to property damage, mold and insect infestation, especially if the leak has gone unnoticed for any amount of time.

The Leak Doctor strives for quality performance with electronically generated reports, clearly written with all the details, available within 24 hours. Photographs taken before and after for documentation and communication with the adjuster while on the job site about the findings.

Contact the Leak Doctor for more information.