Water and plumbing leaks are happening more often in Central Florida and the damages more extensive! A news station recently interviewed a coupled who went out of town for the holidays only to get a call from their neighbor that water was pouring out of the couple’s front door. Turned out it was a broken water pipe on the second floor. The damage was massive, not only will it cost thousands to fix, it will take months to get their house back to normal.

The leading cause of damage to both homes and businesses is water leaks!

Insurance claims for water damage are 3 times more than fire claims. Just look at these statistics for water leaks last year.

Over $500 million dollars of damages to buildings

Leaks from broken or leaking washing machines cost over $150 million dollars

Leaks from hot water tanks cost over $50 million

250,000 homes in America were ruined due to water damage

In an 8 hour time frame, a broken pipe can leak over 5,000 gallons of water

A broken tube to the ice maker can easily cost thousands in damages

According to the insurance industry, water damage claims are growing exponentially every year.

If your an insurance company or adjuster the Leak Doctor offers the latest technology to detect water leaks. The quicker the Leak Doctor responds the less damage will occur, growth from bacteria can begin in just a few short hours after the leaks begins.

Our highly trained and certified technicians will begin by assessing the situation by walking through the property. Using state of the art, non-invasive equipment to determine the source of the leak and where the moisture has traveled and properly document the process, saving the insurance company and homeowner a lot of money and headaches.