Leaking water pipes can be a nightmare for both homeowners and insurance companies here in Central Florida. While an increased water bill or a drop in water pressure can be annoying, it is nothing when compared to the devastating damage it can cause to your home. It can even create an unsafe or unhealthy environment.

Cosmetic and structural damage caused by leaking water pipes

Most of the water pipes in a home run above ceilings, beneath floorboards and concrete foundations.

If the water leak is occurring under your home, it can cause wood components to rot and warp. You may feel warm areas on your floor or experience lumps.

If the water leak is in the ceiling, it can also cause significant damage. Weakening the framing and drywall, creating the perfect environment for mold and mildew to flourish.

What about the water pipes that are hidden behind your walls? You may hear the sound of running water when everything is turned off. It can cause extensive damage if not detected in a timely manner.

Leaking pipes can hazardous mildew and mold to grow

If the cosmetic and structural damage wasn’t enough, even the smallest leak can cause mold and mildew to grow.

According to the CDC, mold causes a variety of symptoms and illnesses. These include coughing, nasal congestion, throat irritation and wheezing. Mold exposure has also been linked to skin and eye irritation, respiratory infections, and asthma.

Water leak detection and repair for leaking pipes

While some water leaks are easy to detect, since most plumbing pipes are hidden, so are the leaks.

Make sure your clients are being proactive by looking for these signs of a water leak. Discolored spots on the walls, damp or warm areas on the floor, higher than normal water bill, low water pressure, and dampness.