If you’re in the insurance industry finding a water leak detection service you can trust and rely on is worth its weight in gold! The latest technology allows the Leak Doctor to quickly locate a water leak using highly sensitive and minimally invasive equipment to pinpoint the leak, reduces the cost of restoration and needless hit and miss digging. We are a trusted partner with many insurance companies and have a proven track record of finding the most difficult to locate water intrusions.

Some of Our Services Include

Water Line Leaks

Often plumbing pipes are located out of sight with water flowing through them for years. But all material deteriorates and eventually will begin to spring a leak.

The Leak Doctor uses specialized leak detection equipment to locate the true source of the plumbing leak and then as a Master Plumber, licensed and insured, we can fix your leaks quickly and accurately.

Sewer and Drains

Blocked septic or sewer lines can back up into the home and cause severe damage. This dirty water is called grey or black water and is contaminated, thus requiring extensive cleaning to sanitize your home.

The Leak Doctor has the right equipment to look through pipes and locate the blockage quickly and without having to dig numerous holes in the yard. We can also videotape the blockage and mark the spot in the yard for easy access for repairs.

Slab Leaks

Plumbing pipes are often installed under concrete slabs and can develop a leak that bubbles up through the concrete creating a water puddle or wet carpeting.

We use the latest equipment with highly trained technicians to locate leaks under the slab. We then access the leak with as minimal damage as possible to repair the plumbing system

Swimming Pools and Spas

We track down the cause of a pool or spa leak by performing a dye test to identify structural leaks, a hydrostatic test to identify plumbing leaks and electronic leak analysis. After the leak has been located, we can make the necessary repairs.

Contact the Leak Doctor for more information about our services and an appointment.