Orlando Plumbing/Water Leaks & Insurance Claims
Owning a home or business in the Central Florida area is a big responsibility, and with that comes maintenance of the plumbing system, both inside and outside the property. Many insurance claims are based on gradual water damage, which develops slowly over time, instead of a severe storm or an accident. Some issues resulting in water leaks such as corrosion, root intrusion, natural wear and tear, a pipe or joint that has weakened and rust, may be considered lack of routine maintenance of foreseeable damage. What if the homeowner did not realize the chemicals in the water corroded the inside [...]
Orlando Insurance Adjusters Turn To The Leak Doctor
Cause and Origin reports for water damage and plumbing leaks. If you are an insurance adjuster in the Orlando, area and have customers calling you because [...]
Central Florida Plumbing Leak Detection
A simple water leak in Central Florida, can quickly become a very serious situation if not detected and repaired in a timely manner. "Water is probably [...]
Orlando Plumbing/Water Leak Detection
As our water pipes and plumbing age, insurance companies and adjusters are experiencing more water leaks claims than ever before. In fact, the National Association of [...]