Central Florida Plumbing Detection For Insurance Claims
Most homeowners insurance claims in the Orlando area are preventable. You may think the claim is for theft or fire, but it is for water damage. Not from a heavy rainstorm or even a flood, but from ignored home plumbing maintenance! When homeowners fail to inspect their plumbing pipes or hose connections between appliances. Over time, these connections and pipes break down and fail, causing damage. If the damage goes unnoticed, the damage can be extensive. Some of the more popular sources include, hot water tanks, automatic ice maker, washing machine hoses, and dishwasher hoses. Typically, damage to walls, floors [...]
Central Florida Insurance Companies; Cost Effective Water Leak Detection
The Leak Doctor offers cost effective solutions for insurance companies and their adjusters in Central Florida, to locate the source of the leak, repair the problem [...]
Plumbing Leak Detection For Central Florida Insurance Companies
The Leak Doctor specializes in working with insurance companies, we establish relationships with the adjuster, speak their language, process and deliver accurate claims. Our state of [...]
Orlando Plumber & Leak Detection For Insurance Companies
Orlando plumbing leaks are on the rise due to corrosion and aging water pipes. These leaks can go undetected for weeks or even months by the [...]