Orlando Plumbing/Water Leak Detection
As our water pipes and plumbing age, insurance companies and adjusters are experiencing more water leaks claims than ever before. In fact, the National Association of Water Companies reports over 7 billion gallons of water are lost every day in the United States due to water leaks, resulting in a big impact on residential homeowners' wallets. What causes water pipes to leak? The age of the water pipes The Report Card for America's Infrastructure gave our drinking water pipes an overall grade D condition, the report went on to say much of our infrastructure is nearing the end of its [...]
Orlando Insurance Companies & Plumbing Leaks
As an insurance professional here in Central Florida, it isn't always easy to find the right water leak detection or plumber to partner with. Since 1993 [...]
How Orlando Insurance Companies Locate Water Leaks
As an insurance professional, your clients contact you because they have found water damage or a leak they just can't find. They've looked everywhere, but how [...]
Plumbing Leak Detection For Central Florida Insurance Professionals
Since 1993 the Leak Doctor has been a pioneer in the water leak detection industry. The fact is, a tiny 1/16” leak can date 74,000 gallons [...]