Detecting Water Leaks For Orlando Insurance Companies
Water leaks, plumbing issues, and slab leaks, cause and origin reports for insurance adjusters. The Leak Doctor is a leader in the insurance company industry, assisting adjusters with locating the source of a water or sewer leak. Our services are fast and efficient, as well as minimally invasive, to reduce the cost of repair. Quick Results, our state of the art equipment can quickly isolate the source of the water leak. Origin Report, the source of the leak is detected and clearly detailed in the report. Cost Effective, our technology ensures minimal damage to the property to save money. Experience [...]
Water Leak Detection For The Insurance Industry
During these challenging times, people are spending more time at home, putting more pressure on their plumbing system. This has led to a surge in water [...]
Florida & Georgia Insurance Companies Rely On The Leak Doctor
The goal at the Leak Doctor is to offer cost effective solutions to insurance companies and their adjusters in the Orlando and Atlanta area, to locate [...]
Orlando/Atlanta Leak Doctor; Supporting The Insurance Industry
To better serve the insurance industry, the Leak Doctor is dedicated to continuous research, development, and training. This allows us to streamline our non-invasive leak detection [...]