Slab Leak Detection For Orlando Insurance Adjusters
A plumbing pipe under the slab of a home or business in the Orlando area that is leaking water is termed a Slab Leak. Often times, before there is any visible damage the home owner may detect warm floor tiles, the sound of running water when everything is turned off, musty odors or even a higher than normal water bill. Once located, the actual cost of repairing the slab leak may be minimal, but the damages it can cause can be astronomical. Many home and business owners just assume repairing the leak and damages are covered under their insurance policy, [...]
Orlando & Atlanta Insurance Companies; Water and Sewer Line Leak Detection
The Leak Doctor has partnered with insurance companies in the Orlando and Atlanta areas for decades, detecting the most difficult water leaks under concrete slab foundations, [...]
Insurance Adjusters; Atlanta/Orlando Plumbing Leak Detection
Plumbing leaks make up the majority of insurance claims throughout Orlando and Atlanta. Many of these water leaks it is difficult to the source because they [...]
Orlando & Atlanta Water Leak Detection; #1 Choice for Insurance Companies
It just takes a pinhole size leak to cause significant damage. Typically, when someone thinks of a ‘disasters leak’, they imagine a kitchen or bathroom filled [...]