Non-Invasive Water Leak Detection For Orlando Insurance Companies
Orlando area water and plumbing leaks not only waste money and our natural resources, they also damage everything around it, walls, concrete slabs, beams, sheet rock and floors can quickly start to mold and mildew. Other problems include sinkholes and structural damage and these are only a few out of a long list of problems that could occur. A leak detection service can be necessary to identify leaks that are difficult to locate, such as pipes encased in concrete, between walls, or underground. Locating leaks traditionally is costly and very destructive, but the Leak Doctor uses non-invasive advanced electronic equipment. [...]
Atlanta & Orlando; Water Leak Detection for Insurance Adjusters
The average homeowner has a variety of reasons to avoid plumbing maintenance, from they didn’t know that pipes need maintenance, to the high cost. For whatever [...]
Why Insurance Companies Choose the Leak Doctor
Water damage makes up a large part of insurance companies claims in Florida and Georgia. Plumbing leaks are growing exponentially with corroded pipes on the rise. [...]
Atlanta/Orlando Plumbing Leak Detection & Insurance Companies
Your client wake up to find water on the floor, a damaged floor, wet drywall, even mold. They call their insurance company for help. Their first [...]