Central Florida Plumbing Leak Detection For Insurance Companies
Undetected water leaks can end up costing insurance companies in Central Florida, as well as home owners, tons of money in damages. Detecting water leaks without damaging property can significantly reduce the cost. The Leak Doctor partners with insurance professionals to find the source of a leak, whether it's hiding behind or beneath a floor, lurking in a wall, or seeping under a cement slab, no matter how or where it is concealed, our trained technicians can locate it and minimize restoration expenses. We utilize the latest technology and equipment to locate your leak fast, accurately, and in a non-invasive [...]
Plumbing Leak Detection for Insurance Companies
Central Florida and Atlanta area insurance adjusters have heard it all. From water flooding the entire house while a family was on vacation, to a small [...]
Plumbing/Water Leak Detection for Insurance Professionals
The holiday season a great time for friends and family, but it is also the time when insurance companies throughout Central Florida and Atlanta are very [...]
Orlando & Atlanta Water/Plumbing Leak Detection for Insurance Companies
As an insurance agent, when your client thinks they may have a water leak in their Orlando or Atlanta home, the last thing you want to [...]